"For there are worlds beyond worlds, as Kull knows, and whether the wizard bewitched him by words or by mesmerism, vistas did open to the king’s gaze beyond that strange door, and Kull is less sure of reality since he gazed into the mirrors of Tuzun Thune."."The sooner you learn that men are men whether wizard, king, or thrall, the better you will rule, Kull." "Gold, power, and position," grunted Brule. "But being a wizard, having knowledge of all the ages and despising gold, glory, and position, what could Kaanuub offer Tuzun Thune that would make of him a foul traitor?" Like the surface of the sea was the mirror of Tuzun Thune hard as the sea in the sun's slanting beams, in the darkness of the stars, where no eye can pierce her deeps vast and mystic as the sea when the sun smites her in such way that the watcher's breath is caught at the glimpse of tremendous abysses.The throng shouted, women flung roses from the roofs as the rhythmic chiming of silver hoofs came clearer and the first of the mighty array swung into view in the broad white street that curved round the golden-spired Tower of Splendor.

1.34 "Riders Beyond the Sunrise" (1967).1.17 "The Pool of the Black One" (1933).1.14 "The Tower of the Elephant" (1933).1.3 "The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune" (1929).